WardenWatch strikes me as something that might work, but only if there are enough good citizens out there.
Membership is free if you apply before the end of March 2006, then it rises to £10.
However it does require two things:
1. Signed up members who are want to receive a text message advising them to go back to their vehicles.
2. A large number of good citizens willing to spend up to 10p sending a text message that will bring them no benefit except for the small chance that a warden might not complete the issuing of a ticket. I think this bit needs to be incentivised a little more…there are a lot of “what’s in it for me?” folks out there.
I’ll be keeping one eye on the whole thing.
I was watching the news and i think it a good idear so l will like to apply to recivied a stickers for my car before the end of march.And help look out for wardens too
Great idea, I should think this really will have some effect. Anything we can do to get ‘them’ off our backs is most welcome.
Good idea if we the public stick together on this.
I am definately interested and would like to know more about how to apply.
Great idea, saw your news item on TV news.
Looking foward to displaying a sticker, and helping out fellow motorists.
The 10p text cost is nothing if it will save somebody getting a fine, be good to get one over on these “bolshie” wardens who park on yellow lines to give you a ticket.
Best regards, Peter B.