DDD North 2 – Windows Phone agenda app

I’m hoping that the DDD North 2 Windows Phone agenda will make it into the marketplace in time for the event on Saturday!

I did manage to get the app certified in time, however a last minute agenda change forced another upload! I *will* make a start to a generic version on Monday, honest!

If it doesn’t, and you have a developer unlocked phone, please feel free to download the .xap file. You can use the Application Deployment tool to side-load it on to your device.

Download and side-load the .xap file!


4 thoughts on “DDD North 2 – Windows Phone agenda app”

  1. As I have stated on a number of occasions, if you would like some help with a generic application, that can be used across all of the DDD’s, I would be more than happy to help out 🙂 Put the code somewhere that I can see it, start a Trello Board with some tasks, and let’s get coding!


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