Oz: Bobby Dazzler’s

Just a regular day in the office…

I was left to fend for myself tonight – which was pretty good going given that I had been there since Friday night (having company for Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I mean). After a lengthy wander around Perth, I settled on Bobby Dazzler’s – the true blue Australian beer pub, as recommended my my office buddy Jim.

Dinner was super value and the beer tasted good: a burger and a small glass of Cooper’s 5.8% ale. [If the other Jim is reading this posting, are you related to these Coopers?]

A threesome, him, him and her (from NZ, I can tell the difference!) came in and sat themselves down at the table next to me. They muttered for a few minutes over the menu and then left the establishment rather rapidly stating that the menu was “too expensive”. What rubbish. It was well-priced, well-served and well-cooked, an excellent meal. Since I was sat there on my own, I arrived with weaponry: a local newspaper. Man, life is so different over here. Fuel is about A$1.45 (£1 == A$2.48), that’s less than £0.60 per liter. This just goes to show that fuel prices are partly related to population density (not stupidity, although…perhaps): here’s in the UK we are probably reaching over-population and are certainly densely populating many areas of our landscape. In Oz, things are significantly more spread out.

One thought on “Oz: Bobby Dazzler’s”

  1. > If the other Jim is reading this posting, are you
    > related to these Coopers?

    Sadly not, although I\’m from the same state 🙂

    Coopers is probably the last of the family owned breweries left in the country, BTW

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