Slides and source code from The Best of Delphi 2005, repeated in Edinburgh, Scotland, 14th January 2005.
Download the PowerPoint (1120K)
Download the source code for the demonstrations (50K)
Download the source code for the demonstrations (226K)
Slides and source code from The Best of Delphi 2005, repeated in Edinburgh, Scotland, 14th January 2005.
Download the PowerPoint (1120K)
Download the source code for the demonstrations (50K)
Download the source code for the demonstrations (226K)
Slides, source code and an article from The Best of Delphi 2005, repeated in Edinburgh, Scotland, 14th January 2005.
Download the PowerPoint (1400K)
Download the source code for the demonstrations (381K)
Download the article that accompanies the session (pdf, 280K)
I would like to thank all those who nominated me for the Windows Server System – XML Web Services Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Award.
I received notification of the award this morning.
I will of course, continue to serve the development community during 2005!
If there is anything you would particularly like an article or presentation about, or if you would just like to chat about your development issues, please drop me an e-mail (via, at the bottom)
Methods and Tools have published my Adaptive Project Management using Scrum article (available here as a PDF)
I am pleased to announce that Scottish Developers are doing their bit for the Tsunami Earthquake.
Scottish Developers will donate at least £1.50 of the proceeds of the sale of WeRock DVDs to the Tsunami Earthquake, more here.