Tag Archives: Methods & Tools

Adaptive Project Management using Scrum: my article appears in a book

I’m pleased to report that my Methods & Tools article Adaptive Project Management using Scrum has found its way into a book.

I received my complimentary copy today:

I’m not sure if the book will make the popular sites like Amazon, although it does have an ISBN of 978-81-314-1649-5 (9 788131 416495) so I guess there’s a chance you might find it somewhere. More details about the book can be found here.

As far as I understand, it’s a book by the Icfai University Press, more information can be found here.

It’s pleasing to see how an article intended for reading via a browser fits into “book sized” pages, it gives me an idea of how much I need to write in order to complete a book. So when Dell or Samsung ship me a netbook to review, you know I’ll be writing a book 🙂

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