Tag Archives: Erika Ehrli

Open XML – Resources

This post serves as a placeholder for my Open XML links, resources, etc. I will update it from time to time.

04/11/2008 – I’ve updated the demo code to include the code used in my screencast demonstrating Word 2007 Content Controls.

03/11/2008 – I’ve updated the demo code to include examination of the customXML file that is populated by the content control example (ContentControl.docx). Demo 5 shows how we can inject our own XML into the content controls.

Demo 6 presents the few lines of code required to extract the XML (as populated by the content controls) into an XmlDocument. Once the customXML is in an XmlDocument we are free to access the nodes as required.

Thus we are now in a position were we can create a document with custom data present, pass it to a user, the user can amend the custom data, save the document and send it back to us. We can then extract that custom data for subsequent processing. I will prepare a short screencast to demonstrate this – watch this space.

28/10/2008 – Posted pre-VBUG Newcastle inaugural delivery of An Introduction to Open XML. Download the slides and Visual Studio 2008 / Open XML SDK 2 CTP1 demo code. It’s likely that I will update this code to reflect further CTP releases.


Eric White’s blog entry about the first CTP of the Open XML SDK V2.

Microsoft’s primary Open XML portal, OpenXMLDeveloper.org.
Microsoft’s on-line forum for Open XML

OpenXML Code Snippets (for Visual Studio 2005) (Managing code snippets)

Brian Jones
Mauricio Ordonez
Doug Mahugh
Kevin Boske
Erika Ehrli
Gray Knowlton’s OpenXML content

Product/Technology Blogs

Open XML File Formats

Using Word 2007 Content Controls
Matthew Scott: Application Development using the Open XML File Formats
Matthew provides an excellent explanation of Word 2007’s content controls and customXML parts. Before OpenXML you probably found yourself using Word bookmarks to leave placeholders inside a Word document – content controls essentially replace those.

Andrew Coates has some excellent information about using Content Controls in conjunction with Matthew’s Word Content Control Toolkit (available on CodePlex).

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