Why you need to buy @berkun’s new “Mindfire” book…

I’ve been reading Scott Berkun’s new book, Mindfire.

I’m not going to review it in this post, I’ll save that for later.

However, I’m will tell you why you should buy it!

Scott self-published Mindfire, a feat worthy of huge congratulations. He did so for a number of reasons. I was particularly taken by this one:

So, you should buy Mindfire if only to learn what it is Scott would like to write about that makes publishers run a mile.

I have deliberately added this post to the Project Management category, Scott is the project management guy 😉

One thought on “Why you need to buy @berkun’s new “Mindfire” book…”

  1. Thanks for the vote of confidence 🙂 I’m looking forward to your review. Thanks for the posts and tweets – much appreciated.

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